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Issue no. 31

The r e su l t s o f t he Sweep wi l l be

compiled and made public in autumn

this year. For more details about the

Sweep exercise, please refer to our

media statement at:



In order to identify major privacy

conce r ns and p r ob l ems f aced by

children in Hong Kong, the PCPD

commi s s i oned t he Cen t r e f o r t he

Advancemen t o f Soc i a l Sc i ence s

R e s e a r ch o f Ho n g Ko n g B a p t i s t

University to carry out an exploratory

study in October 2014. The results

show that parents and teachers seem

to have little involvement in managing

children’s privacy issues and little

awareness of children’s problems

online, a situation that is probably

attributable to lack of knowledge and

support. The Executive Summary of the

study report is available at:



The aim of the exploratory research

was to gain a better understanding

o f t h e u n d e r l y i n g o p i n i o n s a n d

mo t i va t i on s i n r e l a t i on t o ch i l d

privacy issues. It provides insights into

the problems and helps to develop

ideas for stakeholders to follow up

on. Six focus-group interviews were

conducted to understand the views of

parents, secondary school students,

and primary and secondary school

teachers on child-privacy issues. In-

depth interviews were also conducted

with representatives from four non-

governmental organisations whose

ma i n f o c u s i s o n c h i l d r e n . Th e

focus-group interviews with these

stakeholders generated some insights

which are useful for follow-up work.

Some suggestions include adding

sections or topics related to privacy

issues and privacy-protection measures

to the school curriculum in subjects

s u ch a s i n f o rma t i on t e chno l o g y

and liberal studies, and in project

learning activities; and strengthening

communication between parents and


"Parent's Guide" on YOUth Privacy thematic website

teachers/schools to address children’s

privacy issues.

Th e P C PD h a s r u n t h e S t u d e n t

Ambassador for Privacy Protection

P r og ramme i n s econda r y s choo l s

for five consecutive years. In 2015,

111 partner schools have organised

p r omo t i o n a l a c t i v i t i e s o n t h e i r

campuses. A thematic website called

“YOUth Privacy” (


) has been developed as a

one-stop portal for youngsters to learn

about personal data privacy and for

teachers to prepare related materials.

Practical tips are available for parents

to instil in their children the concept

of personal data protection and respect

for each other’s privacy (


