messenger. During the investigation, the law firm provided an undertaking to the
• not to disclose the complainant’s personal data to any person other than the
complainant when delivering any document to the complainant by hand at the
address for service including the business centre, in the course of obtaining
acknowledgment for service; and
• to give clear instructions to its staff for the purposes of complying with the undertaking.
In another case,
which related to service of a trial bundle to a litigant to a matrimonial
case, the staff of a law firm left the bundle in the gap between the front door and the
metal gate of the litigant’s residence. The bundle of documents was not sealed in an
envelope and was easily accessible to passers-by or unrelated parties. The bundle was
later picked up by a security guard on patrol. The law firm did not have written
guidelines to advise its staff on the compliance with DPP4 regarding the manner of
service of a legal document. It was therefore found to have contravened DPP4. The
appropriate steps that a data user should take in similar situations include putting the
documents to be served in a sealed opaque envelope or to make arrangements with
the litigant to collect the same.
In a more recent case,
it was decided by the AAB that the law firm in question did not
contravene DPP4 by placing bundles of properly tied legal documents in sealed
envelopes and leaving the same outside the appellant’s residence when effecting
service of the documents. However, the AAB took the view that it was unnecessary for
the law firm’s staff to exhibit the front page of each document bundle in the lobby of
the building and to take photographs of the same in front of the building management
staff. Such acts posed a risk that the personal data of the appellant might be disclosed
to the management staff and passers-by.
(e) Hospitals and Clinics
Universal Serial Bus (“USB”) flash drives are widely used because of their portability and
high storage capacity. However, their portability and compact size have also increased
the risk of data loss as the USB flash drives containing the data may be misplaced or lost
without the users noticing. An investigation
carried out by the Commissioner against
the Hospital Authority (“HA”) involved the loss of patients’ registration data (including
name, HKID number, home address and contact number) and consultation records of a
psychiatric nurse who was required to work in different clinics for providing psycho-social
health services to pregnant women and postnatal mothers. In the course of carrying out
her duties, she downloaded patients’ registration data and clinical consultation notes
onto the password protected zone of the USB flash drive. One day, she discovered that
See Case Note No. 2002C07, available on the Website:
AAB 19/2014
See Investigation Report No. R08-1935, available on the Website: