In March 2010, a government department reported to the Commissioner that an
employee had lost certain computer printouts when he was carrying out outdoor duties
that required home visits.
The lost printouts contained the names, gender, addresses
and telephone numbers of 126 individuals. Although there was a genuine operational
need for the staff to bring the printouts during home visits, he had taken more data than
required to visit the twenty individuals on the day of the home visits. The guidelines of the
department were revised as a result by specifying the amount of personal data that was
required for conducting home visits on a particular day so as to ensure that no
unnecessary personal data would be taken out by staff for performing home visits.
(c) Telecommunications Companies
Internet and telecommunications service providers possess substantial amount of
personal data of their customers. It is essential for them to ensure data security to avoid
leakage. Customers sometimes may have forgotten the passwords to access their
account information. In such circumstances, service providers must be cautious in
verifying the identity of the customer before rendering any assistance to access
account information. The Commissioner received a complaint where the internet service
provider reset a customer’s password upon the request of a person who knew the name
and HKID number of that customer, even though the caller was not the customer and
the customer was not aware of the request. Such practice was found to be insufficient
to meet the standards required by DPP4 in ensuring data security.
Similarly, in another complaint handled by the Commissioner,
the complainant’s
creditor successfully gained access to the electronic telephone bills of the complainant
by typing in his HKID number as the password for online access which as a result enabled
the creditor to collect the telephone records of the complainant and to use them for
making nuisance calls to his friends. The telecommunications company in question was
found to have contravened DPP4 in failing to take all reasonably practicable steps to
safeguard the complainant’s personal data. In the enforcement notice served by the
Commissioner, the company was required to cease the practice of using HKID numbers
as default passwords for its customers. Given the ease of guessing passwords of this kind
and the likelihood of manipulation and unauthorised access, the service provider was
advised to take steps to protect the security of the customers’ personal data by, for
example, providing randomly selected passwords.
In another complaint, the complainant visited a telecommunications shop to subscribe
for broadband and fixed-line services. The shop had an open-plan design with some
computer terminals set up in a public area and visitors were free to stroll around those
terminals. When his subscription request was processed by the staff through the use of
the computer terminal, the complainant noticed that his personal data displayed on the
screen of the computer terminal was visible to people standing next to or behind the
customer service officer. Since the receipt of the complaint, the telecommunications
company has installed polarized filters, screen saver and software functions that
See case reported in the Annual Report 2010-11 of the Commissioner (page 96), available on the Website:
See Case Note No. 2002C08, available on the Website: