developer as principal was liable for its contractor’s misdeed. Therefore, the developer
was found to have contravened DPP4(1) for failing to take all reasonably practicable
steps to ensure that the personal data handled through the operation of its contractor
was protected against unauthorised or accidental access.
Application of DPP4: Storage and Transmission of Data
It is important to note that DPP4 concerns only the way in which personal data is kept or
transmitted, but not the way it is used (which is governed under DPP3). This distinction
was explained by the AAB in the case of AAB No. 5/1999.
In that case, the Commissioner received a complaint from an individual against a
newspaper for publishing his name and the address to which he had moved in a news
report. The report related to an assault in which the complainant’s father was injured by
a former neighbour. The publishing of the address of the complainant was considered
likely to cause risk of serious harm to him and his family, since the assailant, who
remained at large, was a known dangerous individual suspected to be of unsound mind,
and had previously committed a series of assaults on the complainant and his family. In
fact, it was because of those previous attacks that the complainant and his family had
moved to their current address which was exposed in the news report.
Despite the harm likely to be caused to the data subject by the disclosure of his personal
data in the news report, the AAB reversed the Commissioner’s original finding of
contravention of DPP4 against the newspaper publisher. In particular, the AAB observed
that a newspaper uses personal data in publishing it. Once published, the public will
inevitably gain access to such data. Accordingly, any access by the assailant to the
address of the complainant in the case would not have been “unauthorised or
accidental” within the meaning of DPP4.
According to the AAB, therefore, the
relevance of DPP4 is confined only to the security in storage and transmission of the data.
There is a fine distinction between the use, especially the disclosure to the public or third
parties of the personal data of the data subject which might involve a change in the
purpose of use (which is a DPP3 concern) on the one hand, and the security
requirements of the transit and storage of personal data to prevent unauthorised or
accidental access to the personal data (which is a DPP4 issue) on the other.
Outsourcing the Processing of Personal Data to Data Processors
It is increasingly common for data users to outsource and entrust the processing of
personal data to their agents. Data leakage sometimes occurs as a result of insufficient
Section 65(2) of the Ordinance provides that any act done or practice engaged in by a person as agent for another
person with the authority (whether express or implied, and whether precedent or subsequent) of that other person shall
be treated for the purposes of the Ordinance as done or engaged by that other person as well as by him.
Whether the publication of the address data by the newspaper publisher could have been regarded as giving rise to
any requirement in the Ordinance other than DPP4 (e.g. DPP3) was not raised, and hence the issue was not decided by
the AAB.