An insurance company wrongly sent a file containing personal data of some 1,880
customers to a bank by email. The wrong recipient was asked to delete the file. The
insurance company was advised by the Commissioner to implement an action plan to
strengthen data transmission security by using password protection and encryption, etc.
and to conduct a special review by its internal auditor on data transmission process
focusing on personal data protection.
Another insurance company was found to have leaked online through a website some
600 policy holders’ personal data (including their names, addresses, telephone numbers
and insured amounts). The leakage was attributed to the inappropriate grant of access
right by the insurance company to its agent to the personal data concerned. The agent
uploaded and stored the data in a web file server at his home and as a result, the data
could be accessed by the public through an internet search engine. Upon the
conclusion of the investigation, the Commissioner served an enforcement notice to the
insurance company requiring it to review its operation procedures to strengthen control
on access, transfer and security of the personal data of insurance policy holders.
(b) Government and Public Bodies
A spate of reported data leakage incidents occurring in government departments
between 2008 and 2012 was caused by file-sharing software found installed in
It was reported by the newspapers in May 2008 that documents apparently belonging
to the Immigration Department were leaked on the internet through the “Foxy” file-share
software. These documents comprised internal memos and file minutes and some of
these documents were marked “confidential”. The names, dates of birth and
identification document types and numbers of some Hong Kong residents, visitors and
immigration officers were leaked. In response to the compliance check carried out by
the Commissioner, the Immigration Department gave an undertaking to the
to strengthen data security by taking a number of improvement
measures including:
• prohibiting the use of office documents as templates or sample case documents
unless the identifying particulars of individuals concerned have been removed;
• classifying all office documents (in both paper and electronic form) containing
personal data according to the degree of sensitivity of the data;
• prohibiting the taking or copying of such data for use outside office premises unless
See Case Note No. 2006C10, available on the Website:
See media statement issued by the Commissioner on 5 June 2008, available on the Website: