
Chris Cheng was admitted to the Bar in Hong Kong and started private practice. He practised for 7 years in different areas of law including criminal proceedings, commercial disputes, liquidation proceedings and personal injuries. In 2004, he joined the legal team of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (PCPD), and during his tenure he took a role as a advocate in the Administrative Appeals Board defending the Commissioner’s decisions against appeals. In addition to the intensive advisory tasks, Chris spent enormous effort on drafting codes of practices, guidelines and other publications for the PCPD. In 2008, Chris moved to the legal team of the local telecommunications and entertainment giant, PCCW, and he is now the Senior Group Legal Adviser serving both PCCW Group and HKT Group. Chris monitors the Groups’ data privacy compliance and litigations, and is a specialist in employment matters including employee benefits.


Value of Customer Data in Telecommunications Industry

The presentation will offer a glimpse of the evolution of telecommunications industry into a “customer-centric” universe. Chris will also share his views on the current mode of regulating and enforcing the data privacy laws, and pinpoint the importance of having dialogue amongst regulators, data users and data subjects.

Full Presentation