(B) the classes of persons to whom the data may be transferred; and
(ii) on or before first use of the data for the purpose for which it was collected, of –
(A) his rights to request access to and to request the correction of the data;
(B) the name or job title, and address, of the individual who is to handle such
request made to the data user,
unless to comply with the provisions of this subsection would be likely to prejudice the
purpose for which the data was collected and that purpose is specified in Part 8 of this
Ordinance as a purpose in relation to which personal data is exempt from the provisions of
data protection principle 6.
DPP1(3) requires a data user to notify the data subject of prescribed information
(outlined further below) on or before the collection of his personal data. This requirement
is generally only applicable where a data user collects personal data directly from the
data subject, except in respect of personal data used for direct marketing purposes
(see paragraph 5.107 below). However, the data user is still required to comply with
DPP3, i.e. without the data subject’s prescribed consent it cannot use the personal data
for any purpose other than the original purpose for which it was collected from the data
subject or a directly related purpose (DPP3 is discussed in further detail in Chapter 7).
Application of DPP1(3)
DPP1(3) provides, at the outset, “Where the person from whom personal data is or is to
be collected is the data subject,...” there is a duty to inform the data subject of the
prescribed matters where the data in question is collected directly from the data
subject. Hence, the notification requirement under this principle is generally considered
by the Commissioner not to be applicable where the personal data in question is:
• collected from a third party;
• unsolicited and supplied by the data subject; or
• generated by the data user itself (considering the definition of “data”, as explained in
paragraph 2.1 of Chapter 2, includes an expression of opinion in a document).
The notification obligation under DPP1(3) arises in commonly encountered situations of
collection of personal data, such as where:
• an individual is asked to provide written information about himself (e.g. by filling in a
• the individual is asked to provide oral information to be recorded (e.g. making a
statement to the police);
• personal data is generated by the data user in the course of its conduct with the
data subject (e.g. entering into employment or banking transactions); or
• personal data about the individual is obtained through automatic or scientific
devices (e.g. recording a telephone conversation, conducting a medical checkup,