Commissioner by looking at the total loss across the board that would be suffered by the
service operator in this case. Given the large customer base, a small debt per customer
can build up to a very substantial sum. The AAB also considered that if the collection of
HKID numbers was disallowed, Autotoll might be forced to take other measures to
protect their business interests. The measures might include a zero credit policy whereby
customers who failed to top up their accounts in time by mere inadvertence would
suffer and Autotoll might as a result be flooded with complaints of poor customer service.
Other operators would suffer too as they would need to recover payments directly from
the registered vehicle owners (who may or may not be the culpable account holders).
In view of the far reaching implications this might have on Autotoll’s business and in the
interests of the tunnel and toll road operators, the AAB did not assume any right to
interfere with legitimate business operations in the name of data protection. The AAB
also agreed that the nature of the “right, interest or liability” involved was crucial to the
proper operation of the Autotoll electronic toll collection service and was neither
transient nor trivial, hence falling within paragraph of the Code of Practice on the
Identity Card Number and other Personal Identifiers.
However, it should be stressed that the above AAB decision does not provide a licence
for the collection of HKID numbers by business data users. It must be distinguished from
other situations where data users have failed to demonstrate with concrete evidence
how the collection of unpaid charges goes right to the heart of their business.
Collection of HKID Numbers for Customer Loyalty Programmes
In the widely reported Octopus card incident
in 2010, the Commissioner found that
Octopus Rewards Limited (“ORL”) had contravened DPP1(1) by collecting HKID
numbers/passport numbers/birth certificate numbers, and month and year of birth from
the subscribers to the Octopus Rewards Programme for the purpose of customer
The Octopus Rewards Programme allowed subscribers to earn “reward
dollars” on their Octopus card every time they made a purchase at ORL’s business
partners. Such reward dollars could then be used to redeem certain goods and services
from ORL’s business partners. ORL claimed that the collection of their customers’ data
was necessary for customer authentication as the reward dollars were personal to each
customer. Since an Octopus card could store reward dollars up to a maximum of only
$1,000, the Commissioner found that ORL had failed to justify their claim that the
collection of the HKID number was necessary to safeguard against damage or loss to
ORL, which was more than trivial in the circumstances. Further, since the customer could
be properly identified by his name, address and contact phone number held by ORL,
the collection of HKID numbers was not justified under paragraph of the Code of
Practice on the Identity Card Number and other Personal Identifiers, and was found to
be excessive. The same rationale applied to the collection of the customers’ month and
year of birth, passport number and birth certificate number, which was also found to be
excessive and unjustifiable.
See Investigation Report No. R10-9866, available on the Website: