The practice of collecting a partial HKID number was also examined in an investigation
concerning the MoneyBack Programme run by A.S. Watson Group Limited through
The MoneyBack Programme was a customer rewards scheme whereby
customers were rewarded for their loyalty by redemption offers of goods and services as
well as marketing offers. The application form for the scheme required applicants to
provide their names, addresses, telephone numbers, the first four digits of their HKID
numbers and their months and years of birth. The collection of the partial HKID number
was for the purpose of identifying the customer in the event of report of loss of the card
and also as default password to log in to the Programme’s website. The Commissioner
did not accept such collection was necessary. First, the telephone number of the
applicant, as noted in the application form, could also be used as default password. In
addition, any other set of numbers or characters could be generated and assigned to
the customer as a default password. As in the Octopus Card case, the Commissioner
was of the view that the name, home address and telephone number were sufficient
data for customer identification purposes.
Having considered that the contract entered into between the company and the
customer involved only bonus points and discount privileges and that the low value (less
than $1,000) of the reward points likely to be accumulated by the average subscriber,
the Commissioner found that the collection of the partial HKID number did not fall within
the permitted circumstances under the Code of Practice on the Identity Card Number
and other Personal Identifiers.
In coming to this conclusion, the Commissioner rejected
the argument that the partial HKID number should not be deemed as a personal
identifier, considering that it could be combined with other personal data collected to
ascertain the identity of the customer. The company was thus found to have
contravened DPP1(1).
Collection of HKID Numbers through Mobile Apps
Nowadays, organisations use a mobile application (“app”) as a means to reach out to
customers and collect and process a wide range of personal data. It is pertinent that
before seeking to collect personal data, they consider whether the items are necessary
and not excessive in complying with the requirements under DPP1(1).
See Investigation Report No. R12-3888, available on the Website:
Paragraphs of the Code of Practice on the Identification Card Number and other Personal Identifiers.
As regards the month and year of birth, the Commissioner however accepted the argument that these data was
primarily collected for designing targeted promotional offers in order to better understand members’ background and
make offers more suited to their needs. The Commissioner was of the view that the collection of the data was directly
related to the purposes of the Programme and found no evidence to suggest that such collection was excessive.
The Commissioner has issued a
Best Practice Guide for Mobile App Development
providing practical guidance on
privacy protection to mobile app developer, available on the Website:
https://www.pcpd.org.hk//english/resources_centre/publications/files/Best_Practice_Guide_for_Mobile_App_Developm ent_20151103.pdf