The drafting of DPP1(1) appears to allow wide interpretation. The Commissioner will
therefore take into account all relevant factors according to the circumstances
and be
mindful of the proper application of the rules of interpretation stated in paragraphs 1.7
to 1.9 in Chapter 1.
For the purpose of DPP1(1)(a), in the case of a government bureau or department or a
public body being the data user, the Commissioner will generally regard the function
and activity of the data user as being restricted to its generally recognized functions,
whether conferred on it by statute or otherwise. Hence, a government department
should not collect personal data for the sole purpose of assisting another department,
where such collection is directly related to the function and activity of the other
department, but not to that of its own.
The same approach is adopted in the case of data users that are private organisations.
It is also noted that the functions or activities of a private or commercial organisation
may change in response to external changes in the social or business environment.
Indeed, given the advent of low cost and high performance technology for information
storage, an organisation may easily be tempted to collect from a variety of sources and
hoard personal data (especially those of prospective customers or clients) just in case
such data may become useful in future. Insofar as there is an intention on the part of the
data user to compile information about these identified or identifiable individuals in the
Eastweek sense,
the personal data of these data subjects is treated as having been
collected. The indiscriminate collection of personal data, especially where it involves
sensitive personal data, is likely to be viewed by the Commissioner as a contravention of
DPP1(1), in that it may not be considered as directly related to, or be considered as
excessive for, the organisation’s functions and activities.
Three codes of practice have so far been issued by the Commissioner under section
12(1) of the Ordinance setting out the scope of personal data that, in the opinion of the
Commissioner, may be collected under DPP1(1) in respect of the relevant industries
and/or fields of activity.
For instance, under the Code of Practice on Human Resource
Management, an employer should not collect a copy of the identity card of a job
applicant during the recruitment process unless and until the individual has accepted
For enquiries made to the Commissioner concerning the application of DPP1(1) to the collection of personal data in
particular situations, readers may refer to relevant cases in the Complaint and Enquiry Case Notes Section on the
For a discussion of the treatment of different government bureaux and departments as separate data users, readers
may refer to paragraphs 4.19 to 4.24 in Chapter 4.
See Chapter 3 on the
case and the meaning of “collect”.
See Appendix IV of this Book for the following Codes of Practice issued by the Commissioner:
a. Code of Practice on the Identity Card Number and Other Personal Identifiers;
b. Code of Practice on Consumer Credit Data; and
c. Code of Practice on Human Resource Management.