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Case Notes

Case Notes

Case No.:2024DB02 New!
A former teacher accidentally shared a file containing personal data of students to the entire school on a cloud-based drive – DPP 4 – security o... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP4
Case No.:2024DB01 New!
Unauthorised access of personal data held by a clinical centre – DPP 4 – security of personal data... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP4
Case No.:2024C06 New!
A bedding products company mandated online shoppers to consent to the use of personal data for direct marketing purposes... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP1
Case No.:2024C05 New!
A government department posted a letter to an applicant’s obsolete address... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP2
Case No.:2024C04 New!
A financial institution collected excessive personal data from outsourced staff without providing personal information collection statement and r... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP1, DPP2
Case No.:2024E09 New!
Safeguarding clients’ personal data security under Work-from-Home Arrangements... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP4
Case No.:2024E08 New!
Storing clients’ documents and ex-employee’s personal data in outsourced storage facilities... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP4, Human Resources
Case No.:2024E07 New!
This page only provides Chinese version temporarily... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP3, Exemptions
Case No.:2024E06 New!
This page only provides Chinese version temporarily... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP1, Human Resources, Monitoring
Case No.:2024E05 New!
Neighbour installing Closed Circuit TV Systems (CCTV) at door entrance... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP1
Case No.:2024E04 New!
Visitor Registration... <more>
Areas of Concern:Identity Card
Case No.:2024E03 New!
A school collecting and using teachers’ travel information.... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP1, DPP3, Human Resources
Case No.:2024E02 New!
Whether customers’ personal data could be stored in a cloud system outside Hong Kong.... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP3, DPP4
Case No.:2024E01 New!
Whether a credit reference agency (CRA) could retain a data subject’s consumer credit data after the discharge of bankruptcy.... <more>
Areas of Concern:Consumer Credit Data