35H. Despite section 2(3), where a data user requires, under data protection principle 3, the
prescribed consent of a data subject for using any personal data of the data subject in
direct marketing, the data user is to be taken to have obtained the consent if the data user
has not contravened section 35C, 35E or 35G.
In short, section 35C stipulates the specified actions that must be taken by a data user
before it uses personal data in direct marketing; section 35E prohibits a data user from
using personal data without the data subject’s consent, and section 35G demands a
data user cease using personal data in direct marketing if so required by the data
subject. It must be stressed that the law does not prohibit the use of personal data in
direct marketing but merely sets out what constitutes lawful direct marketing using
personal data. So long as the data user complies with the requirements under those
three provisions, it may use the personal data for direct marketing purposes lawfully.
A similar provision is found in section 35M of the Ordinance, which relates to the transfer
of personal data from a data user to another for use by that other person in direct
marketing. Section 35M provides as follows:
35M. Despite section 2(3), where a data user requires, under data protection principle 3,
the prescribed consent of a data subject for providing any personal data of the data
subject to another person for use in direct marketing, the data user is to be taken to have
obtained the consent if the data user has not contravened section 35J, 35K or 35L.
Sections 35J, 35K and 35L stipulate the specified actions which must be taken by a data
user before it can provide personal data to a third party for use in direct marketing, and
that such provision of personal data should not be done unless it has obtained the data
subject’s consent, and that the data user must stop providing the personal data to a
third party for use in direct marketing if so required by the data subject.
If the data user intends to use the data subject’s personal data in direct marketing, the
data user shall provide the data subject with the prescribed information
either orally or
in writing, the data subject’s reply to the data user indicating his consent or no objection
may reciprocally be given either orally or in writing. If the consent or indication of no
objection is given orally, the data user must, before using the personal data in direct
marketing, confirm in writing to the data subject within fourteen days from the date of
receipt of the consent or indication of no objection the following:
• the date of receipt of the consent or indication of no objection;
• the permitted kind of personal data for use in direct marketing; and
• the permitted class of marketing subjects
for use in direct marketing.
However, where the data user intends to provide the data subject’s personal data
(whether for gain or not) to another person for that person’s use in direct marketing, the
See paragraphs 5.99 and 5.100 of Chapter 5 on what “prescribed information” is required under the Ordinance.
See also footnote 57 in Chapter 5 for the meaning of “marketing subjects”.