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Case Notes

Case Notes

Case No.:2001E12
Whether a memo amounts to personal data of one of its recipients.... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP6
Case No.:2001E10
Whether the data of the participants to a government programme could be disclosed to a local university for conducting an evaluation and planning... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP3, Exemptions
Case No.:2001E09
Whether the comments by the adjudicators of a scheme of outstanding achievement awards covered by the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.... <more>
Case No.:2001E08
Whether a company has the right to ask an existing employee to sign an acknowledgement of a Personal Information Collection Statement issued by t... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP1
Case No.:2001E07
Whether the disclosure by domestic helpers of their employers' addresses and telephone numbers for their personal purposes contravenes the Perso... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP3
Case No.:2001E05
Whether the collection of genetic information is covered by the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance ("the Ordinance").... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP1
Case No.:2001E04
Whether a government department can disclose personal data of objectors to an interested representative body for mediation purpose.... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP3
Case No.:2000E20
Whether an insurer could exchange with other insurers claims history of a claimant suspected of dishonesty.... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP3, Exemptions
Case No.:2000E19
Whether a student could be required to relinquish his right of access to certain personal data such as reference letters.... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP6
Case No.:2000E18
Whether a social worker is obliged to disclose his identity card number in a statutory form when he made an application to court using that form.... <more>
Areas of Concern:Identity Card
Case No.:2000E17
Whether an organization could provide computer logs of staff members to a supervisory authority for investigation purpose.... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP3, Monitoring
Case No.:2000E16
Whether access right under Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance displaced by similar access right under statute establishing public register... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP1
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