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Codes of Practice/ Guidelines

Code of Practice on the Identity Card Number and other Personal Identifiers

The following paragraphs seek to give practical effect to the Personal Data Accuracy Principle (Data Protection Principle 2(1)):

3.5 Where a data user collects a copy of an identity card from the holder in person, the data user should always check it against the identity card produced by the holder.
Note: For example, while the ID card number of an individual may be recorded upon his admission to a building, his ID copy should not be taken.
3.6 Where a data user has a general policy of accepting copies of identity cards collected from the holders in person by a third party, the data user should take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure that such copies have been checked against the identity card produced by the holder upon collection by the third party.
Note: For example, in the case of the hire-purchase of a car, the finance company which accepts from the car dealer the ID copy of a buyer should require that the car dealer has checked the ID card of the buyer before collecting the copy.
3.7 A data user who has a general policy of accepting copies of identity cards provided by individuals as the means to collecting or checking the identity card number should:
  3.7.1 provide adequate training to any member of its staff responsible for collecting such copies to reasonably enable him to detect any irregularity which may appear on the face of a copy of an identity card;
  3.7.2 set up a system of control whereby no copy so provided is accepted unless it has been carefully examined and no irregularity is found upon such examination;
  3.7.3 ensure that for any copy so accepted and subsequently retained, there is some indication on record that it has been collected without being checked against the original identity card.

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