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Codes of Practice/ Guidelines

Code of Practice on the Identity Card Number and other Personal Identifiers

The following paragraph seeks to give practical effect to the Personal Data Use Limitation Principle (Data Protection Principle 3):

3.8 Subject to any applicable exemption from Data Protection Principle 3 provided by the Ordinance, a data user who has collected a copy of the identity card of an individual should not:
  3.8.1 use the identity card number contained in the copy for any purpose except for a purpose which is permissible under paragraph 2.3 of this Code;
  3.8.2 use the copy or any item of personal data contained in such copy other than the name and identity card number for any purpose, except for the purpose for which it was collected pursuant to paragraph 3.2 or 3.4 or for a purpose to which the holder of the identity card has given his prescribed consent.
  Note: Subject to any applicable exemption from Data Protection Principle 3 provided by the Ordinance, a data user who has collected a copy of the identity card of an individual should not:

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