
Mr Mikko NIVA

Panel Discussion
"The Global Emergence of Corporate Data Privacy Accountability Frameworks: Building and Embedding the Company's Data Privacy Programs and the Role of Chief Privacy Officer"

Mikko Niva works as the Director, Privacy in Nokia Corporation. He is responsible operational management of Nokia's privacy compliance program as well as Nokia's group-wide privacy policies and requirements for consumer and employee privacy practices. Mikko oversees and supports various consumer and employee privacy-related activities, from product creation to privacy impact assessments. He is a lawyer by training. Mikko regularly participates in various privacy-related regulatory working groups and comments on legislative proposals. He is a member of the IAPP European Advisory Board.

Managing privacy has rapidly become a very complex problem. New technologies are bringing about completely new types of privacy threats and problems and often there may not be any best practices to apply. In this session you will learn how Nokia manages this complexity and drives towards Privacy by Design through a comprehensive, industry best practice privacy program that is based on the so called accountability –model and a strong emphasis on privacy engineering to identify and mitigate privacy threats in often very agile software development environment.

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