Commissioner - Federal Trade Commission, United States
E | dith Ramirez was sworn in as a Commissioner of the United States Federal Trade Commission (FTC) on April 5, 2010. As a Commissioner, she has |
testified before the U.S. Congress on privacy and data security and has helped develop the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Cross-Border Privacy Rules. Before joining the FTC, Commissioner Ramirez was a partner in the Los Angeles office of Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP, where she litigated complex business disputes, including successfully representing clients in intellectual property, antitrust, unfair competition, and Lanham Act matters. Commissioner Ramirez is a graduate of Harvard Law School, where she was an editor of the Harvard Law Review, and Harvard College.
the United States Federal Trade Commission
In the United States, consumer privacy has become a hot topic, and the Federal Trade Commission — the United States’ privacy enforcement agency — has been at the forefront of the debate. FTC Commissioner Edith Ramirez will address the FTC’s new privacy framework, in which Privacy by Design plays a key role. She will explain how the FTC has called on companies to embed privacy and data security into their products and services, to minimize the data they collect and maintain, and to adopt procedures and controls to ensure privacy is respected throughout an organization. Commissioner Ramirez will describe how Privacy by Design has influenced the FTC’s recent enforcement actions, including its settlements with Facebook and Google, and how it is likely to figure prominently in future FTC enforcement efforts. She will address the FTC’s call for Do Not Track — a centralized tool for consumers to exercise control over tracking across websites. Finally, Commissioner Ramirez will address the APEC Cross-Border Privacy Rules, their Privacy by Design component, what they share with the FTC’s new privacy framework, and why they represent an important advance for interoperability among data privacy regimes.