paw book

Seminar on Using Social Networks by Organisations:
Why Privacy Matters


3:00 – 3:05 pm Welcome Address
Ms Lavinia CHANG,
Acting Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data
Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data
3:05 – 3:25 pm Session 1 – Surprise Minimisation (Download PDF)
Speaker: Dr Henry CHANG, Information Technology Advisor
Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data
3:25 – 3:45 pm Session 2 – Privacy at Facebook: Building Trust Through Connection (Download PDF)
Speaker: Mr Rob SHERMAN,
Deputy Chief Privacy Officer,
3:45 – 4:05 pm Session 3 – Privacy in Social Media Insight and Engagement (Download PDF)
Speaker: Mr Ralph SZETO, Managing Partner
CMRS Digital Solutions Ltd.
4:05 – 4:25 pm Session 4 – Privacy and Marketing: The Consumer Perspective (Download PDF)
Speaker: Prof Kai-lung HUI, Associate Dean, Professor of Information Systems
The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Business School
4:25 – 5:00 pm Panel Discussion
Moderator: Mr Raymond HO, Vice Chairman
Hong Kong Association of Interactive Marketing

Panellists: All speakers and Mr Francis FONG,
Chairman of Hong Kong Association of Interactive Marketing


All the information presented during this seminar, all conclusions drawn and interpretation of data rendered are that of speakers. The Organiser is not responsible for the validity of the data or thier interpretation.

Unauthorised use or reproduction of the presentation materials or part thereof is expressly prohibited.