Counter-Terrorist Financing (Financial Institutions) Ordinance (Cap 615); and therefore,
such purpose was directly related to the original collection purpose, i.e. for the
legitimate purpose of verifying the identity of the partners of the law firm.
In commercial transactions, relating to services, such as the hire purchase or credit sale
of goods, the provision of banking or financial services, the provision of utility or
telecommunications services, etc., service providers have a legitimate interest to ensure
the full and prompt settlement of all sums due and owed by the party to the
transactions for services rendered. Hence, it is generally viewed that debt collection is a
directly related purpose for the provision of the paid services and the creditor may
transfer the personal data of the debtor to the debt collection agent or its solicitors to
take recovery action.
However, pursuant to DPP1(3), service providers must ensure that the data subject was
informed on or before the collection of his personal data that his personal data may be
transferred to a debt collection agent (see paragraph 5.83 above).
In another case of AAB No. 39/2006, the complaint concerned a credit provider for
having transferred the complainant’s personal data to a debt collector, who
subsequently disclosed the personal data in a public place in the course of collecting a
debt owed by the son of the complainant. The Commissioner found that the personal
data of the complainant had been provided to the credit provider in a loan application
form as a family member of the son and in the capacity of referee when the son
applied for a loan from the credit provider. The credit provider explained to the
Commissioner that the application form was prepared by its agent and it did not require
the personal data of the family members of a loan applicant at all. When it passed the
loan application form to the debt collector for recovery of the son’s debt, the
complainant’s personal data was not intended to be used by the debt collector. The
AAB came to the view that the credit provider should have withheld the personal data
of the complainant from the debt collector since it was not intended to be used by the
debt collector. As the credit provider had disclosed the complainant’s personal data to
the debt collector, the credit provider had contravened DPP3.
In the field of human resources management, employees’ personal data is collected for
human resources purposes, such as promotion or renewal of contracts or termination of
employment, etc. Examples of the use of employees’ personal data by employers for
directly related purposes include: the disclosure to Mandatory Provident Fund providers
for administering the MPF scheme; integrity checking warranted by the inherent nature
and needs of the job; enrolling an employee in a medical insurance plan; conducting
disciplinary proceedings or compiling performance appraisal reports. In a complaint
that came before the Commissioner, the complainant contended that her employer
was wrong in disclosing her medical records to the Medical Board convened for the
purpose of determining her fitness for employment. The Commissioner found that the
disclosure of her medical records was necessary for the purpose of the Board’s hearing
and hence were directly related to her employment under DPP3. Not satisfied with the
AAB No. 19/1999
, the AAB decided that there was no change in the purpose of use of the customer’s personal data
by a telecommunications company in passing the data to a debt collection agent to pursue a debt owed by the