Terrorist Financing (Financial Institutions) Ordinance, Cap 615 and the Guidelines on
Prevention of Money Laundering issued by the Monetary Authority to combat money
laundering and retain records for that purpose.
Some statutes,
codes of practices
guidelines may prescribe periods of retention for documents containing personal data in
which case data user may be obliged to comply.
Practical difficulty may arise where personal data is collected at different times for
various purposes. Strict compliance with DPP2(2) and section 26(1) may oblige the data
user to painstakingly go through the items of personal data held and deleting the data
that has outlived their purposes on a regular basis. In this respect, a clearly promulgated
retention policy may facilitate the data users, especially organisational ones, in
implementing appropriate measures, such as the deployment of automated software to
ensure the unnecessary data is properly erased. As long as all reasonably practicable
steps are taken by a data user to erase personal data that is no longer required when
the purpose of use is met, the data user is considered to have complied with the
requirements under DPP2(2) and section 26(1).
In addition to the practical difficulty mentioned above, in considering the application of
DPP2(2) and section 26, it is also relevant to give due regard to the Eastweek case
where the Court held, inter alia, that where no personal data is collected by a data user
(as defined in the case), the DPPs will not be engaged. On that basis, it seems a person
need not worry about accidental contravention of DPP2(2) or section 26(1) in respect of
any information that happens to be in his physical possession, unless he has “collected”
such personal data in the sense that he has compiled information about the relevant
Chapter 8 of The Guideline on Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing issued by the Monetary Authority
under section 7(3) of the Banking Ordinance.
For instance, in complying with section 51C of the Inland Revenue Ordinance, Cap 112, on keeping business records for
not less than seven years, personal data contained in such records shall be so retained. Under section 59(3) of the Police
Force Ordinance, Cap 232, the police who arrested a person and took identifying particulars of the arrested person,
such as photographs and fingerprints, may retain the identifying particulars if the arrested person had been previously
convicted of any offence or was the subject of a removal order under the Immigration Ordinance, Cap 115. The
retention period of twelve months for the identifying particulars was specified in the Hong Kong Police Force Procedures
Manual. Another example is found in the four pieces of anti-discrimination legislation, namely, the Disability
Discrimination Ordinance, Cap 487; the Family Status Discrimination Ordinance, Cap 527; the Sex Discrimination
Ordinance, Cap 480 and the Race Discrimination Ordinance, Cap 602 which permit an individual to make a claim to
the District Court against another person for an act of discrimination against him before the end of the period of two
years from (a) the time when the act complained of was done; or (b) if there is a relevant report in relation to the act,
the day on which the report was published or made available for inspection. The relevant documents containing
personal data may therefore be kept for responding to a possible claim brought by the employee or ex-employee.
Clause 1.3.3 of the Code of Practice on Human Resource Management issued by the Commissioner provides that
personal data in respect of recruitment-related data held about job applicants be retained for not longer than two
years and that personal data in respect of employment-related data about an employee be kept for not longer than
seven years. Clause 3.3 of the Code of Practice on Consumer Credit Data issued by the Commissioner provides that
credit reference agency may retain account repayment data revealing material default (i.e. default in payment for a
period in excess of sixty days) for five years either from the date of final settlement of the amount in default or from the
date of the individual’s discharge from bankruptcy, whichever is the earlier, irrespective of any write-off by the credit
provider of the amount in default in full or in part at any time after such default occurred.
AAB No. 15/2015
, the AAB dismissed the appeal lodged by a complainant who requested a credit reference agency
to remove the records of his Individual Voluntary Arrangement in his credit report. The AAB took the view that credit
history was an essential element to a credit provider to assess the risk of extending credit to an individual. There was no
valid ground to depart from the retention period of seven years from the date of the event shown in the official record
as provided under Clause 3.6.1 of the Code of Practice on Consumer Credit Data.