marketing subjects to which the data subject has consented.
The requirements under Part 6A regulating the consent (and its withdrawal) of data
subjects for use and provision for use of their personal data in direct marketing will be
examined in Chapter 7. Readers may also refer to the Guidance Note (as revised) issued
by the Commissioner for practical guidance and recommended good practices when
using personal data for direct marketing.
Online Behavioural Tracking
Website operators or owners often collect information regarding their users’ online
interaction with the websites. Information such as the online user’s identity, display
and/or language preference, web pages visited, items purchased and transactions
performed may be collected and recorded. The information collected is useful to track
the behaviour and preferences of an online user which may be used by the website
operators or owners to build detailed profiles of the users for marketing or advertising
Online behavioural tracking poses privacy risks to online users as very often the users’
information or browsing habits are collected and transferred to other parties without
their knowledge or consent.
Whether the behavioural information collected from online users constitutes personal
data is judged on a case-by-case basis. Personal data will deem to have been
collected if it is reasonably practicable to ascertain the identity of the individual directly
or indirectly from the behavioural tracking information collected, for instance, the
information contains a unique identifier, such as an account name or number.
If online tracking information (such as shopping experiences) is determined to be
personal data and it is collected for direct marketing purposes, data users must follow
Part 6A of the Ordinance to obtain consent from data subjects before using their
personal data for direct marketing purposes.
If online tracking information is collected for other purposes, data users should, in the
interests of transparency and fairness:
• inform the data subjects what information is being collected or tracked by them, the
purpose of collecting the information, how the information is collected (for example,
through cookies), whether the information will be transferred to third parties and, if so,
the classes of such third parties and the purposes of transfer and how long the
information will be kept;
• inform the data subjects whether any third party has been engaged in collecting or
tracking their behavioural information, the purposes and means of collection and the
retention period; and
Section 35D(2).
New Guidance Note on Direct Marketing
, available on the Website: