recording function or where the operator of the CCTV does not activate the recording
function. The sole purpose of installation is for deterring crime. In these cases, the
Ordinance does not apply since the activities of the individuals are not recorded at all
and hence no personal data is involved.
The second scenario concerns the use of CCTV which records the activities of individuals
who are within its recording range, but the operator does not intend to collect any
particular individual’s images as he is indifferent to the identities of the persons whose
images are being recorded. It is only when an incident happens or is reported that the
operator may seek to identify the individuals concerned for the purpose of taking
immediate or follow-up action. For example, a bank may install a CCTV overlooking an
ATM machine. The recorded images will be erased regularly or the tapes will be
overwritten at certain time intervals. However, if a robbery which happened within the
viewing range of the cameras is reported, the police may view the recorded images to
identify the suspect and gather evidence about the crime. As held in the Eastweek case,
there is collection of personal data where the police (not the bank) intend to collect
personal data of the suspect, the victim and other related parties.
In AAB No. 5/2011, the complainant complained about the installation of CCTV in a
community centre which recorded his activities without his knowledge. The AAB upheld
the Commissioner’s findings that there was insufficient evidence to show that the centre
had collected the personal data of the complainant. The CCTV was installed by the
centre for security and management purposes only. The operation of the CCTV did not
target the complainant or any particular person and the identities of the persons whose
images were recorded by the CCTV were not of interest to the centre.
In AAB No. 50/2014, the complainant complained about his neighbour's installation of
CCTV which would possibly capture images of the complainant and his family entering
or leaving their premises. The AAB adopted the test laid down in the Eastweek case and
concluded that the installation of the CCTV was for security purposes and not aimed at
collecting the personal data of the complainant and his family. Hence, the data
protection principles were not applicable.
The third scenario is the case where the use of the CCTV is explicitly for the purpose of
collecting personal data. If personal data is collected by the recording devices, the
operator should take heed of the requirements under the Ordinance and implement
appropriate personal data protective measures.
It is not uncommon for employers to
use CCTV to monitor and record the attendance of their employees. This amounts to
collection of personal data of the employees concerned. It is good practice for the
employers to conduct a privacy impact assessment before deciding to engage in
monitoring activities and to resort to the use of less privacy intrusive alternatives
whenever applicable.
Guidance on CCTV Surveillance and Use of Drones
, available on the Website: