personal data of the student. Since the scores and the examiner’s written remarks on the
marking sheets were the evaluation given by the examiner about the performance of
the student, they constituted that student’s personal data. Hence, the University should
comply with the data access request and provide the student with copies of his
examination answer books and coursework together with the examiners’ markings and
comments thereon.
Mobile Phone Numbers
Generally speaking, a mobile phone number alone may not constitute the personal
data of an individual as the phone number may be registered by a corporation, or the
actual user of the phone number may be different from the registered individual user.
However, when other identifying data, such as a name and address are also collected,
the data user may be able to link the mobile phone number with a specific individual.
The Commissioner will look at the totality of the relevant information and evidence put
before him when deciding whether a mobile phone number constitutes personal data
of the data subject in each case.
In a complaint case involving the making of direct marketing calls by an agent on
behalf of a telecommunications company, the complainant objected to receiving
persistent direct marketing calls notwithstanding his opt-out requests. The agent in this
case had managed to gather a list of mobile phone numbers for the purpose of making
direct marketing calls. According to the arrangement entered into with the
telecommunications company, the agent would send the list to the telecommunications
company to check it against the opt-out list maintained by the latter before making any
direct marketing calls. However, the agent failed to take this step. Both the
telecommunications company and the agent claimed that the complainant’s mobile
phone number was generated by random selection, which did not involve any personal
data. However, it was discovered during investigation that the telecommunications
company held other identifying particulars of the complainant. Despite the fact that the
mobile phone number was generated by random selection by the agent, the
telecommunications company was able to ascertain the identity of the complainant as
its customer from the number. The Commissioner found that personal data of the
complainant was involved and the telecommunications company had to be held liable
for the failure to comply with the complainant’s opt-out request.
Is Fabricated Information Personal Data?
Naturally, a person will disagree with any information written or recorded about him
which he regards as untrue or fabricated. Information that is untrue or fabricated is not
personal data under the Ordinance as it cannot be regarded as data relating directly or
indirectly to an individual. The AAB has expounded this view in AAB No. 29/2001 which
See Investigation Report No. R08-10578, available on the Website:
https://www.pcpd.org.hk/english/enforcement/commissioners_findings/investigation_reports/files/R08_10578_e.pdf .10
See Investigation Report No. R10-4422, available on the Website: