DPP6 and section 18(1)(b) personal data consisting of information relevant to a staff
planning proposal to:
(a) fill any series of positions of employment which are presently, or may become, unfilled;
(b) cease any group of individuals’ employment. . . .
It is clear that the drafting of this section is not intended to apply to any single position
occupied by a particular employee, which would instead potentially fall within the
scope of section 55. Section 53 applies to staff planning in general which concerns a
series of positions or employment of a group of individuals. It is therefore only in a staff
planning situation within the scope contemplated by section 53 that the employer can
avail itself of this exemption and refuse to accede to a data access request made by a
data subject. Furthermore, the Commissioner takes the view that section 53 should not
apply where the data user merely anticipates possible staff planning in the future.
Section 54(1) is a seven-year transitional provision that expired on 3 August 2002. The
practical effect of section 54(1) was that it exempted from application of DPP6 and
section 18(1)(b) employment-related personal data held by the employer before 20
December 1996 (i.e. the date on which the Ordinance first came into operation), which
was provided by the individual on the implicit or explicit condition that the data subject
would not have access to the data. This transitional provision aimed to give employers
time to adjust and familiarise themselves with the requirements introduced by the
Ordinance without causing them undue hardship.
Section 55 — Relevant Process
Section 55(1) provides as follows:
(1) Personal data the subject of a relevant process is exempt from the provisions of data
protection principle 6 and section 18(1)(b) until the completion of that process.
“Relevant process” is in turn defined in subsection (2) as follows:
“relevant process” –
(a) subject to paragraph (b), means any process whereby personal data is considered by
one or more persons for the purpose of determining, or enabling there to be
determined –
(i) the suitability, eligibility or qualifications of the data subject for –
(A) employment or appointment to office;
(B) promotion in employment or office or continuance in employment or office;
(C) removal from employment or office; or
(D) the awarding of contracts, awards (including academic and professional
qualifications), scholarships, honours or other benefits;