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7. A description of the measures already taken or

to be taken to prevent further loss, unauthorised

access to or leakage of the personal data

8. The contact information of a department or an

individual designated by the data users within the

organisation for affected data subjects to obtain

more information and assistance

9. Information and advice on actions the data

subjects can take to protect themselves from the

adverse effects of the breach and against identity

theft or fraud

10. Whether law enforcement agencies, the

Commissioner and such other parties have been


A data user should exercise care and prudence in

determining the extent of the information, including

personal data, to be included in the notification so as

not to compromise the investigativeworks concurrently


When to notify?

Having assessed the situation and the impact of the

data breach, the notification should be made as soon

as practicable after the detection of the data breach,

except where law enforcement agencies have, for

investigative purpose, made a request for a delay.

How to notify?

The notification to data subjects can be done by phone,

in writing, via email or in person. When data subjects

are not identifiable immediately or where public interest

exists, public notification, such as through website or

media, would be more effective. Data users should

also consider as to whether the method of notification

adopted might increase the risk of harm.

Lesson to learn from the breach:

to prevent recurrence


The investigation into a data breach can give insight

into the insufficiency or inadequacy of the handling

of personal data. A data user should therefore learn

from the data breach, review how personal data is

being handled to identify the roots of the problem and

devise a clear strategy to prevent future recurrence.

The review should take into consideration:

The improvement of security in the personal data

handling processes

The control of the access rights granted to

individuals to use personal data. The “need-to-

know” and “need-to-access” principle should be

adhered to

The adequacy of the IT security measures to

protect personal data from hacking, unauthorised or

accidental access, processing, erasure, loss or use

The revision or promulgation of the relevant privacy

policy and practice in the light of the data breach

The effective detection of the data breach. The

keeping of proper logs and trails of access will

facilitate early warning signs

The strengthening of the monitoring and

supervision mechanism of its employees, agents

and data processors

The provision of on-the-job training to promote

privacy awareness and to enhance the prudence,

competence and integrity of the employees who

are to handle personal data

The appointment policy of data processors

and the review of the contractual terms with a

data processor on protection of personal data

privacy, including obligating the data processor

to immediately report any data breach



Good data breach handling makes

good business sense


A good data breach handling policy and practice

adopted by a data user will not only be useful to contain

the damage caused by a breach, but it also shows

the data user’s responsible and accountable attitude

in tackling the problem and in giving clear action

plan to be followed in the event of a data breach. In

addition to enabling the data subjects affected by the

data breach to take appropriate protective measures,


See the information leaflet on

Outsourcing the Processing of Personal Data to Data Processors

issued by

the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, which is available at

Guidance on Data Breach Handling and the Giving of Breach Notifications

October 2015