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Please fill in the full name of the Data User to whom the data access request is addressed.


If you have previously been informed by the Data User of the name and/or job title of the person to whom such a data access

request may be made, please fill in here the name and/or job title of such person.


For Data Subject who is Hong Kong Identity Card holder. Please note that the information may assist the Data User to retrieve or

locate the Requested Data. The identity card number needs not be provided in this Form if you have reasonable grounds to

believe that this will not be necessary for the unique identification of the Data Subject by the Data User in the circumstances.


The Data User may require reasonably sufficient personal information from you to satisfy itself as to your identity before it can

comply with this data access request.

Part I:

Data User

Particulars of the Data User to whom this data access request is made




full name in block letters





(for the attention of











Part II: Data Subject

Particulars of the Data Subject making this data access request

Name in English

(full name in block letters, surname first



Name in Chinese (if any):


Personal identifier, e.g. Hong Kong Identity Card number


/ passport number or other

identification number previously assigned by the Data User (if any, such as student number,

staff number, patient number, account number, membership number or other reference



Correspondence address:





Day time contact phone number:


Email address (if any):


[This part must be completed if this request is made by a Requestor other than the Data Subject]

Part III: The Requestor

Particulars and capacity of the Requestor


Name in English (

full name in block letters, surname first



Name in Chinese (if any):


Correspondence address:





Day time contact phone number:


Email address (if any):



VIII: Furth Information and Payment

I understand that before complying with this request, you may require me to provide



(a) proof of my identity;

(b) proof of the Data Subject’s identity if I am making this request as a relevant person and further

proof of my status as a relevant person;

(c) such further information as may be reasonably required for you to locate the Requested Data;

(d) payment of a fee charged under section 28 of the PDPO



Part IX:

Use of Personal Data

Except with the prescribed consent of the individual concerned, the personal data provided in this Form

will be used for the purpose of processing this data access request and other directly related purposes





Signature of the Requestor


ailure to provide t e nformation as requ red by t e Data User under this Part may esult in the data acc ss reque t being efused,

r not being complied wi h to the desired extent.


S ctions 28(2) and (3) of the PDPO pr vide that a fee may be charged for complying with a data ccess requ st made u d r section

18(1)( ) or (b), which fee shall not e excess ve. Acc rding t sec 28(5) of the PDPO, compliance with a da a access request

may be refused unless and until any such fee has been paid.

Form OPS003 (revised 09/2012)