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PCPD + HKPC Data Security Training Series for SMEs -
Seminar on “Prevention of Cyber Attacks for SMEs”

PCPD + HKPC Data Security Training Series for SMEs - Seminar on “Prevention of Cyber Attacks for SMEs”

In the digital era, the consequences of cyber attacks, which may result in the leakages of customers’ and employees’ personal data, financial losses, reputational damages, and even legal liabilities, can be devastating to businesses. Consequently, businesses of all sizes regard cyber attacks as an important issue. In particular, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are generally more vulnerable to cyber threats, as they often lack the resources and expertise in cyber security to protect themselves against sophisticated cyber attacks. In view of this, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (PCPD) has partnered with the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) in launching the “Data Security Training Series for SMEs” to assist SMEs in enhancing their data security.

As the first event of the training series, this seminar will explore how SMEs can effectively prevent cyber attacks, highlighting common attacks by hackers, preventive measures and response strategies. Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling, Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, and Ir Alex CHAN, General Manager of the Digital Transformation Division of HKPC, will share real case examples of data breaches caused by cyber attacks in recent years, and introduce practical measures to enhance SMEs’ cybersecurity capabilities.

SMEs of all sectors, organisations utilising Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to handle personal data, IT professionals and members of the public with an interest in the topic are welcome to attend.

Enrolment is on a first-come-first-served basis.

Date 20 March 2025 (Thursday)
Time 3:30pm – 4:45pm
Format Online / Face-to-face
(Physical venue: Lecture Room, the PCPD’s Office
12/F, Dah Sing Financial Centre, 248 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong)
  • Ms Ada CHUNG, Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data
  • Ir Alex CHAN, General Manager, Digital Transformation Division, HKPC
  • Latest trends and developments of cyber attacks
  • Lessons learnt from data breaches caused by cyber attacks
  • Practical measures to enhance cybersecurity
  • Data security measures for ICT
  • How to handle a data breach incident
Language Cantonese


Target Audience SMEs of all sectors, IT professionals and members of the public with an interest in the topic
Registration Please register by completing the registration form on or before 1pm, 19 March 2025 (Wednesday). Successful applicants will receive a confirmation email by 19 March 2025 (Wednesday).

Telephone: 3423 6659 (Ms Ho); 3423 6678 (Ms Chan)



  1. Enrolment will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis. The PCPD reserves the right of final decision.
  2. No records of attendance will be issued for the participants of the captioned event.
  3. Successful applicants will receive a confirmation email by 19 March 2025 (Wednesday).
  4. Personal Information Collection Statement: Personal data provided in this form will be used for the purpose of carrying out the above-mentioned event. You have the right to request access to and correction of your personal data held by the PCPD. You should make your data access request by completing the Data Access Request Form (OPS003) and sending the completed Form directly to the Data Protection Officer of the PCPD by fax (2877 7026), by email at or in person or by mail to the PCPD, Unit 1303, 13/F, Dah Sing Financial Centre, 248 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.
  5. Please note that the captioned event may be filmed, photographed and/or recorded for PCPD's future educational purpose.
  6. The PCPD reserves the right to modify the content and the date of the captioned event.
  7. For enquiry, please email to or call 3423 6659 (Ms Ho)/ 3423 6678 (Ms Chan).

Online enrolment form

Please provide your personal information as below, the box with (*) is compulsory.
Participant’s information
*First name:
*Last name:
*Telephone number:
*Email address:
*Format: Online
Face-to-face (Physical venue: Lecture Room, the PCPD’s Office, 12/F, Dah Sing Financial Centre, 248 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong)
Field of work: Property Management
Banking and Finance
Government/Public Body
Information Technology
Law Firm
Social Services
Others, please specify:
How did you learn about this event?
(You may choose more than one option)
PCPD’s website
PCPD’s email
PCPD’s social media post
Newspaper advertisement
Online advertisement
Others, please specify:
(Optional) Please provide the information of Contact Person (if applicable)
First name:
Last name:
Telephone number:
Email address:

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