


Ms Edith RAMIREZ, Chairwoman of the Federal Trade Commission, US

Brief Introduction

“Protecting Privacy in the Era of Big Data” [Click here to download the speech]

We have heard a great deal about the promise of big data. The ability to collect, store, and analyse vast quantities of data has the potential to bring about transformative changes in the way we live, work, and engage in the marketplace. And that potential may indeed be great. But so too are the potential challenges. In particular, the staggering increase in the amount of data that consumers generate, fuelled by the adoption of connected and mobile devices, increases both the volume and sensitivity of those data sets. Our shared challenge is to maximise the potential of big data in a way that also protects the privacy of consumers around the world.

To reap the benefits of big data, we must address the risks it may pose to consumers. These risks include ubiquitous data collection, the potential for unauthorised sharing and unexpected uses, heightened security risks, and the potential for discrimination, among others. In her address, Edith will discuss these and related concerns and also offer potential solutions to address them.

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