
Panel Discussion

Panel Chairperson:

Mrs Bojana BELLAMY, President, Centre for Information Policy Leadership, Hunton & Williams, UK

[Click here to download the presentation file]

Panel Speakers:

Brief Introduction

“Big Data and Emerging Best Practices for a Win-Win Situation: Protect Privacy and Enable Benefits from Data Driven Economy”

As the governments and private sector realise the potential and driving force of big data and analytics for societal and economic growth, debates about privacy and security in the world of big data persist. Some challenge the applicability of privacy principles in the new information age of big data and the Internet of Things and some call for additional rules and tools to be applied to big data. At the same time, privacy regulators and law makers insist that privacy principles remain relevant and valid, expecting organisations not only to apply them, but also to go beyond legal compliance. Some organisations are starting to consider proactively current implications and the future of responsible big data. The emerging organisational best practices aim to enable data driven products and services and reap the benefits of big data, while protecting individuals’ privacy and trust.

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