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Mobile App Development Forum on Privacy and Security

This forum discussed on the areas that mobile apps developers (and those who commission them) need to pay attention to in order to earn trust from customers by respecting their personal data privacy.
Outline of contents:
Part 1. It makes good business sense to build secured and privacy-friendly apps
Speaker: Mr Leo TO
Executive Council Member
Hong Kong Wireless Technology Industry Association

Part 2. Privacy by Design and Best Practice Guide
Speaker: Dr Henry CHANG
Chief Personal Data Officer
Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong

Part 3. Results and lessons learn from the mobile app SSL survey
Speaker: Mr Eric FAN
Honorary Secretary & Treasurer
Professional Information Security Association

Part 4. Sharing of security arrangement with mobile app development
Speaker: Mr Roland CHEUNG
Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team

Part 5. Panel Discussion
Panelists: All speakers

Please refer to the above

