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Data Protection in Internal IT Management

Dr Henry CHANG, IT Advisor, PCPD

Dr Chang was the information technology advisor at the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data in Hong Kong.

Henry advised on privacy policies related to information and comminications technologies to the Privacy Commissioner and his office, and monitored ICT trends and applications related to personal data protection. He also advised on the investigation of complex cases that involve information system that hold personal data.

Henry is a fellow of the British Computer Society and a Chartered Engineer. He holds a number of industry-bases IT security, forensic and privacy certificates.
This is designed for in-house IT professionals who manage or develop IT systems that process personal data. The course examines the Ordinance as it relates to IT security governance, personal data protection and relevant responsibilities of in-house IT professionals.
Outline of contents:
  • What are the core concepts of the Ordinance and its relationship to IT management
  • Personal data system protection principles
  • What is Privacy by Design
  • Requirements on organisations to keep data secure, and how those requirements may be met
  • Legal requirements on the matching of personal data
  • Use of the Internet to collect personal data
  • Legal implications on the use of service providers to handle/process personal data
  • Data breach incident management and data breach notification

Dr Henry CHANG, IT Advisor, PCPD

3 hours

Cantonese (with presentation materials in English)
