Recent Developments
Worldwide devts
- More and more countries are enacting general data protection/privacy laws e.g. Chile, Australia, Canada
- Lack of consumer privacy is becoming a significant obstacle to e-commerce
- US studies: US$2.8 b in lost online sales in 1999, potential losses of up to US$18 b by 2002 (compared to projected total sales of US$40 b)
Domestic devts
- IDA Consultation Paper on Building Trust and Confidence in Electronic Commerce
- general view - businesses are not doing enough to protect privacy
- half think this is impeding b2c e-commerce adoption
- Compliance Authority may investigate any complaint, and after giving the provider a reasonable opportunity to be heard
- dismiss the complaint
- give a warning to the provider
- revoke or suspend the providerÅfs right to use the ÅgPrivacy Code Compliance SymbolÅh
- publicise the non-compliance by the provider