Date: 22 October 2024
Reporting to Legislative Council – Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs and Privacy Commissioner Attend Meeting of the Legislative Council Panel on Constitutional Affairs
The Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs (SCMA), Mr Erick TSANG Kwok-wai, GBS, IDSM, JP, attended the Policy Briefing meeting of the Legislative Council (LegCo) Panel on Constitutional Affairs on 21 October 2024 to brief Panel members on the Chief Executive’s 2024 Policy Address. The Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (Privacy Commissioner), Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling, also attended the meeting to answer questions raised by members on the protection of personal data privacy and the work of her Office (PCPD).
In responding to a question about the PCPD’s work on data security, the Privacy Commissioner pointed out that in terms of enforcement, the PCPD handles an average of over 230 self-initiated compliance checks and over 100 data breach incidents each year. The PCPD also proactively inspects the personal data systems of organisations to ensure data security. In terms of publicity and education, the PCPD has not only published guidelines and information leaflets on data security but has also been organising sharing sessions and in-house seminars for organisations. The PCPD will continue to strengthen its efforts to enhance the awareness and capability of the public and organisations in safeguarding data security.
Please click
here for the paper provided by the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau to the LegCo Panel on Constitutional Affairs.
Please click
here for the opening remarks of the SCMA (Chinese only).

The SCMA, Mr Erick TSANG Kwok-wai, GBS, IDSM, JP, attended meeting of the LegCo Panel on Constitutional Affairs.

The Privacy Commissioner, Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling, attended meeting of the LegCo Panel on Constitutional Affairs.