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What's New - Reaching Out to the Community – Privacy Commissioner Interviewed by the Media to Explain the New Compliance Guide on Collecting and Handling ID Card Data

Date: 28 August 2024

Reaching Out to the Community – Privacy Commissioner Interviewed by the Media to Explain the New Compliance Guide on Collecting and Handling ID Card Data

The Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (Privacy Commissioner), Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling, was interviewed by RTHK Radio 1’s “HK2000” and “Open Line Open View” on 23 August and Now News’ “News Magazine” on 26 August to explain the new versions of the “Code of Practice on the Identity Card Number and other Personal Identifiers: Compliance Guide for Data Users” (the Compliance Guide) and the information leaflet titled “Your Identity Card Number and Your Privacy” (the Information Leaflet) issued by her Office.
During the interviews, the Privacy Commissioner pointed out that in view of the emergence of various kinds of fraudulent cases and the advancement of technology, the new versions of the Compliance Guide and Information Leaflet aim to remind organisations of the matters they should beware of when they collect and handle Hong Kong Identity Card (ID card) data, for example, that they should avoid using instant messaging applications or the camera functions of smartphones to collect ID card copies. The publications also seek to enhance the understanding of members of the public about when organisations could or are required to collect their ID card numbers or copies, thereby enhancing their vigilance in better safeguarding their personal data privacy and reducing the risks of falling prey to fraudsters.

The Privacy Commissioner, Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling (left) was interviewed by Now News’ “News Magazine”.


The Privacy Commissioner, Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling (left), explained the new version of the Compliance Guide and the Information Leaflet issued by the PCPD.

The Privacy Commissioner, Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling (left), was interviewed by RTHK Radio 1’s “HK2000”.

The interview by RTHK Radio 1’s “HK2000” can be listened here. (Chinese only)
The interview by RTHK Radio 1’s “Open Line Open View” can be listened here. (Chinese only)