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Reaching Out to the Community – Privacy Commissioner Interviewed by the Media to Explain Two Leaflets Issued by the PCPD

Date: 2 April 2024

Reaching Out to the Community – Privacy Commissioner Interviewed by the Media to Explain Two Leaflets Issued by the PCPD

The Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (Privacy Commissioner), Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling, was interviewed by RTHK Radio 1’s “HK2000” and “Open Line Open View” on 26 March to explain the two leaflets issued by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (PCPD) entitled “Protect Your Personal Data - Smart Use of Smartphones” and “Protect Your Personal Data - Be Smart on Social Media”.
During the interviews, the Privacy Commissioner reminded members of the public to secure their smartphones. They should never remove the security restrictions of their smartphone (e.g. by “jailbreaking” or “rooting”), should install the latest system updates and turn off wireless communications when they are not in use. They should also secure the data stored on their smartphones, avoid using unencrypted public Wi-Fi and public chargers, and erase data before repair or disposal of smartphone, as well as minimise the risks of using apps.
When using social media platforms, members of the public should stay vigilant when they sign up for a new account and post information on social media, use a dedicated email account for registration, limit public access to their information, minimise their digital footprints, beware of “tag” and delete obsolete social media posts.
The interview by RTHK Radio 1’s “HK2000” can be listened here (Chinese only).
The interview by RTHK Radio 1’s “Open Line Open View” can be listened here (Chinese only).