Date: 25 October 2023
Telling a Good Hong Kong Story – PCPD Representatives Attend the 45th Global Privacy Assembly 2023
The Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong (Privacy Commissioner), Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling, and representatives of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (PCPD) attended the 45th Global Privacy Assembly (GPA) from 15 to 20 October 2023. The hybrid conference, which was held in Bermuda, featured discussions of privacy issues relating to artificial intelligence (AI) and other novel technologies, data scraping, cross-border data transfers and more.
In the Open Session, the Assistant Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (Legal, Global Affairs and Research), Ms Cecilia SIU (Assistant Privacy Commissioner), spoke as a panellist at a side event organised by the European Commission entitled “International Cooperation in Action: The Role of the GPA”. She discussed how the PCPD had engaged actively with other data protection authorities in Asia and around the world through execution of memoranda of understanding, regular dialogues and participations in various international data protection networks, including the GPA.
In the Closed Session, the GPA’s International Enforcement Cooperation Working Group (IEWG), co-chaired by the PCPD, presented its annual report to the GPA. Some highlights of its work in 2023 included conducting closed enforcement sessions to facilitate information sharing and collaboration among data protection authorities on topics such as extraterritorial enforcement cooperation and cybersecurity. In a capacity building workshop hosted by the IEWG for GPA members on the topic of “Managing Breach Notifications and Investigations”, the Assistant Privacy Commissioner shared with the participants the challenges faced by the PCPD in managing breach notifications and investigations, as well as the corresponding solutions that addressed such challenges.
In addition, in response to the privacy risks associated with the recent emergence of AI, the Resolution on AI and Employment and the Resolution on Generative AI Systems were adopted by GPA members by consensus at the conference. The PCPD is a co-sponsor for both Resolutions.
The GPA is the leading international forum for over 130 data protection authorities from around the globe to discuss and exchange views on privacy issues and the latest international developments.

The Assistant Privacy Commissioner spoke at a panel discussion entitled “International Cooperation in Action: The Role of the GPA”.