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What's New - Reaching Out to Information Technology Sector Head of Compliance attended the Seminar on Privacy Risks and Opportunities of Digital Marketing Organised by Federation of Hong Kong Industries

Date: 21 March 2023

Reaching Out to Information Technology Sector – Head of Compliance attended the Seminar on “Privacy Risks and Opportunities of Digital Marketing” Organised by Federation of Hong Kong Industries 

Chief Personal Data Officer (Acting) (Compliance & Enquiries) of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Mr Brad KWOK, spoke at the seminar on “Privacy Risks and Opportunities of Digital Marketing” on 17 March 2023. The seminar was organised by the Federation of Hong Kong Industries.
Mr Kwok delivered a presentation entitled “Personal Data Privacy in the Digital Marketing World” to introduce the relevant statutory requirements under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. During the panel discussion, he also discussed various personal data privacy issues relating to consumer online behavioural tracking, information transparency and cyber security with other guest speakers, and shared the latest development and trends in related fields with the participants.
Please click here for the presentation deck.