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What's New - Reaching Out to Information Security Sector Head of Compliance attended the Information Security Summit 2022

Date: 7 September 2022

Reaching Out to Information Security Sector – Head of Compliance attended the Information Security Summit 2022 

Chief Personal Data Officer (Acting) (Compliance & Enquiries) of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Mr Brad KWOK, attended the Information Security Summit 2022 held on 6 and 7 September 2022, and spoke at a plenary session entitled “Cyber Security: New Challenges to Data Protection and Data breaches”.

My Kwok highlighted the data security requirements under the data protection principles of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and discussed some common causes of data breach incidents in Hong Kong.  Mr Kwok also shared with the audience some practical tips on how to prevent data breaches.

The Summit was jointly organised by the Hong Kong Productivity Council and leading information security organisations in Hong Kong.  The theme of this year was “Security Transformation for the Next Normal – Evolution of Risk Management and Data Protection in a Post Pandemic World”.