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Privacy Commissioner Ms Ada Chung attended the 42nd Global Privacy Assembly virtual conference (13-15 October 2020)

Privacy Commissioner Ms Ada Chung attended the virtual conference of the 42nd Global Privacy Assembly (GPA) on 13-15 October 2020. 
Ms Ada Chung appealed for adherence to the principles of data minimisation, limitation of use and retention of data when combating the COVID-19 pandemic. Ms Chung also presented to GPA members the Compendium of Best Practices in Response to COVID-19, the compilation of which was led by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data. 
A Resolution on Accountability in the Development and Use of artificial intelligence (AI) was also adopted by all GPA members at the conference, calling for the implementation of accountability measures which are appropriate regarding the risks of interference with human rights in the development or use of AI systems. 

Please click here for the media statement.  

Download the Compendium of Best Practices in Response to COVID-19.

Download the Resolution on Accountability in the Development and Use of AI.