Singapore meets Hong Kong on Data Privacy Protection and Collaboration
(11 September 2018)

The Privacy Commissioner, Mr Stephen Kai-yi WONG (left), meets the Deputy Commissioner of the Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC), Singapore, Mr Zee-kin YEONG, at the office of the Privacy Commissioner for Persona Data, Hong Kong (PCPD) to exchange views on issues of mutual concern.

The Privacy Commissioner, Mr Stephen Kai-yi WONG (first row, third right), is pictured with the Deputy Commissioner of the PDPC, Mr Zee-kin YEONG (first row, third left), the Director of Policy, Technology and Trustmark, Ms Evelyn GOH (first row, second left), Director of Customer Services and Investigation, Mr Jason TAN (second row, second left), Assistant Director of Policy, Ms Yan-ping KONG (first row, first left), and Manager of Technology, Mr Elgin KOH (second row, first left), after the meeting.

The Deputy Commissioner of the PDPC, Mr Zee-kin YEONG (right), accompanied by the Privacy Commissioner, Mr Stephen Kai-yi WONG, signs the guest book at the PCPD.