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Privacy Commissioner Mr Stephen Wong attended the 47th Asia-Pacific Privacy Authorities (APPA) Forum and the Data + Privacy Asia Pacific Conference 2017 in Sydney, Australia (10 – 12 July 2017)

The 47th APPA Forum was hosted by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, Australia, on 10 – 11 July 2017 following by the Data + Privacy Asia Pacific Conference 2017 held on 12 July 2017. 

Closed Session of the 47th APPA Forum (10 – 11 July 2017)

At the closed session of the 47th APPA Forum, the Privacy Commissioner Mr Stephen Wong shared with fellow APPA members on a recent data breach incident in Hong Kong regarding the Loss of Registration and Electoral Office’s Notebook Computers containing Personal Data of Election Committee Members and Electors.  The Privacy Commissioner, being the Chairperson of the Privacy and Technology Working Group of the APPA, also introduced the latest technology-related publications issued by the Working Group for members’ reference.

APPA members at International Convention Centre Sydney, Sydney, Australia

Data + Privacy Asia Pacific Conference (12 July 2017)

The conference was attended by about 300 people.  The Privacy Commissioner participated in a panel discussion themed “Identifying global and local synergies for regulatory enforcement activities” with representatives from other Data Protection Authorities (DPAs) in the Asia Pacific region.  During the panel discussion, the Privacy Commissioner shared PCPD’s experience on cross-border cooperation with overseas DPAs and other regulators (e.g. cybersecurity regulators) on the enforcement of privacy law.