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Privacy Commissioner Mr Stephen Wong attended the opening ceremony of the "Teen Talk 2016 cum Law Week 2016" organised by the Law Society of Hong Kong (17 December 2016)

Privacy Commissioner Mr Stephen Wong attended the opening ceremony of the “Teen Talk 2016 cum Law Week 2016" organised by the Law Society of Hong Kong on 17 December 2016.

The theme of "Teen Talk 2016" is "Destructing Cyber Crimes", aiming to introduce a broad range of laws, legal concepts and ethics on cyber crimes to teenagers and provide a platform for them to discuss various social and legal issues of their interests. Mr Wong was one of the judges of the Moot Court Competition at the "Teen Talk 2016". The Honourable Chief Justice Geoffrey Ma Tao-li, Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal, and Mr Wong presented the award to one of the best teams in the Competition - True Light Girls' College (team 2).