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Privacy Commissioner Mr Stephen Wong attended the “Teen Talk 2015 – Decoding Privacy” organised by the Law Society of Hong Kong


Mr Stephen Kai-yi Wong(9th right, front row), attended the opening ceremony of the “Teen Talk 2015 – Decoding Privacy” on 28 November 2015, together with the officiating guests the Hon Rimsky Kwok-keung Yuen, SC, JP, Secretary for Justice(14th right, front row) and Mr Stephen Wan-shun Hung, President of the Law Society of Hong Kong (13th right, front row) as well as students and guests.


Mr Stephen Kai-yi Wong (middle) joined a panel discussion with Mr Stephen Wan-shun Hung, President of the Law Society of Hong Kong (left) and Mr Nick Hiu-fung Chan, Chairman of “Teen Talk 2015” Organising Committee (right), to share practical tips on personal data protection with over 300 students at the event.