Date: 3 March 2025
Privacy Commissioner’s Office and HKPC Collaborate in
Launching the “Data Security Training Series for SMEs”
to Assist SMEs in Enhancing Data Security
In the digital era, the consequences of cyber attacks, which may result in the leakage of the personal data of customers and employees, financial loss, reputational damage and even legal consequences, can be devastating to businesses. The Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (PCPD) and the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) noted that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in particular are more vulnerable to cyber threats, as they often lack the resources and expertise in cyber security to protect themselves against cyber attacks. In view of this, the PCPD and the HKPC joined hands in launching the “Data Security Training Series for SMEs” (Training Series) starting from this month. The Training Series is free-of-charge and aims to assist SMEs in enhancing their data security.
The Training Series consists of three seminars on different topics relating to data security, including strategies to prevent cyber attacks for SMEs, ways and means to handle a data breach incident and how to address the data security and privacy risks associated with artificial intelligence.
The first seminar will be held on 20 March (Thursday), which will explore how SMEs can effectively prevent cyber attacks, highlighting common methods of attacks by hackers, preventive measures and response strategies. The Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling, and General Manager of the Digital Transformation Division of the HKPC, Ir Alex CHAN, will share real case examples of data breaches caused by cyber attacks in recent years and introduce practical measures to enhance SMEs’ cybersecurity capabilities.
Enrolment is on a first-come-first-served basis. For details and registration of the first seminar on “Prevention of Cyber Attacks for SMEs”, please visit:

The first seminar of the "Data Security Training Series for SMEs" will be held on 20 March.