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Telling a Good Hong Kong Story – Privacy Commissioner Attends the 61st Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities Forum

Date: 21 June 2024 

Telling a Good Hong Kong Story –
Privacy Commissioner Attends the 61st Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities Forum

The Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (Privacy Commissioner), Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling, and senior officers of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (PCPD) attended the 61st Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities (APPA) Forum held virtually from 20 to 21 June 2024.
During the Forum, the Privacy Commissioner gave an overview of the “Artificial Intelligence: Model Personal Data Protection Framework” (Model Framework) recently published by the PCPD. The Privacy Commissioner explained to APPA members that the Model Framework aims to provide internationally well-established and practical recommendations and best practices to assist organisations to procure, implement and use AI, including generative AI, in compliance with the relevant requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.
The Privacy Commissioner, Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling, said, “While organisations are leveraging the benefits of AI, it is crucial not to overlook AI’s risks to personal data privacy. The use of AI is not confined by geographical borders. The risks brought by AI has become a global issue. Hence, international collaboration is essential to driving the ethical, safe and responsible use of AI”.
As the co-chair of the International Enforcement Cooperation Working Group of the Global Privacy Assembly, the PCPD reported on the work of the Working Group to attendees. The Senior Legal Counsel of the PCPD, Ms Hermina NG, also shared with the attendees the PCPD’s enforcement work.
Major themes discussed at the APPA Forum included the following:
  • AI governance policies and initiatives;
  • Investigations and enforcements;
  • Handling data breach incident reports;
  • Privacy Enhancing Technologies; and
  • Children’s privacy.
Founded in 1992, APPA is the principal forum for privacy and data protection authorities in the Asia Pacific region to strengthen cooperation, discuss best practices and share updated information on emerging technologies, trends and changes to privacy regulation. APPA forums are held bi-annually. The 61st APPA Forum was hosted by the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Colombia, Canada.

The Privacy Commissioner, Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling, gave an overview of the “Artificial Intelligence: Model Personal Data Protection Framework” recently published by the PCPD at the 61st APPA Forum.

The Privacy Commissioner, Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling, took photo with delegates who attended the 61st APPA Forum.
