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Privacy Commissioner’s Office Issues Two Leaflets on the Smart Use of Smartphones and Social Media to Protect Personal Data Privacy

Date: 25 March 2024 

Privacy Commissioner’s Office Issues Two Leaflets on the Smart Use of
Smartphones and Social Media to Protect Personal Data Privacy

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (PCPD) today published two leaflets entitled (1) “Protect Your Personal Data - Smart Use of Smartphones” and (2) “Protect Your Personal Data - Be Smart on Social Media” respectively to provide tips for users on the smart use of smartphones and social media to help them protect their privacy.
The Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling, said, “According to a recent report, there are almost 6.5 million social media user accounts in Hong Kong, with an average daily usage time of approximately 2 hours. Although smartphones and social media have become indispensable parts of our daily lives, their underlying personal data privacy risks should not be overlooked. My office has therefore issued two leaflets to provide practical advice to users on the smart use of smartphones and social media with a view to helping them safeguard their personal data privacy.”
“Protect Your Personal Data - Smart Use of Smartphones” provides tips on how to secure smartphones and the data stored on them, and how to minimise the risks of using apps:
  1. Securing Your Smartphone
    1. Never remove security restrictions of your smartphone (e.g. by “jailbreaking” or “rooting”)
    2. Install anti-malware software
    3. Enable screen lock by passwords and/or biometrics
    4. Install the latest system updates
    5. Turn off wireless communications when not in use
  2. Securing the Data Stored on Your Smartphones
    1. Beware of public Wi-Fi
    2. Perform regular backup of your data
    3. Avoid using public chargers
    4. Turn on the ‘find my device’ function
    5. Erase data before repair or disposal of smartphone
  3. Minimising the Risks of Using Apps
    1. Review privacy policies of the apps before download
    2. Protect the accounts of your apps
    3. Download apps only from official app stores
    4. Adjust the permissions and privacy settings of your apps
    5. Remove unnecessary apps
 “Protect Your Personal Data - Be Smart on Social Media” reminds users to stay vigilant when using social media platforms and covers tips that users should be aware of while signing up for a new social media account, adjusting privacy settings, and posting information on social media:
  1. Signing up for a new social media account
    1. Read the privacy policy
    2. Use a dedicated email account for registration
    3. Minimise the provision of personal data
    4. Set strong passwords
  2. Adjusting Privacy Settings
    1. Limit public access to your information
    2. Think twice before granting any permission
    3. Beware of “tag”
    4. Review privacy policies and settings regularly
  3. Posting information on social media
    1. Beware! Information can be widely shared without your knowledge
    2. Minimise your digital footprints
    3. Do not tag people in photos lightly
    4. Review social media posts from time to time
    5. Report improper contents
  4. Staying vigilant on social media platforms
    1. Be cautious about third-party apps
    2. Stay vigilant against online scams
    3. Other users may not be real people
    4. Look out for data breaches and failed log-in attempts
    5. Terminate unused accounts
Please click here to download the “Protect Your Personal Data - Smart Use of Smartphones” leaflet.
Please click here to download the “Protect Your Personal Data - Be Smart on Social Media” leaflet.

The PCPD published “Protect Your Personal Data - Smart Use of Smartphones” leaflet.

The PCPD published “Protect Your Personal Data - Be Smart on Social Media” leaflet.