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Media Statement - Privacy Commissioner’s Office Fully Supports the Government’s Commencement of Public Consultation and Enactment of Legislation on Basic Law Article 23

Date: 8 February 2024 

Privacy Commissioner’s Office Fully Supports the Government’s
Commencement of Public Consultation and Enactment of Legislation on

Basic Law Article 23

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (PCPD) welcomes and supports the Government’s commencement of public consultation and enactment of legislation on Article 23 of the Basic Law to introduce a new “Safeguarding National Security Ordinance” to improve the regime for safeguarding national security.
In order to address the national security risks posed by the current information technology or electronic world and new technologies that may emerge in the future, the Government proposes to introduce offences to combat acts endangering national security that are done in relation to a computer or electronic system. The PCPD supports the combatting of serious acts of sabotage or weakening of public infrastructure, or acts done in relation to a computer or electronic system without lawful authority which endanger national security. The PCPD agrees that the proposed offences will not hinder the development of innovation and technology, but instead provide a safer environment for the development of related fields.
The Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling, said, “Data security serves as the foundation of digital economy and is a key component of national security. Given that data encompasses personal data, preventing infringements on personal data privacy is a fundamental aspect of data security. The PCPD will continue its work on promoting data security and cyber security to ensure that national security and personal data privacy of members of the public are adequately safeguarded.”