Date: 15 January 2024
Promoting Data Protection in the Age of AI
The Faculty of Law of the University of Hong Kong Co-organises an
International Conference with the PCPD
To promote data protection in the development and use of artificial intelligence (AI), the Programme on Artificial Intelligence and the Law of the Faculty of Law and the AI & Humanity Lab of the University of Hong Kong co-organised an international conference with the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (PCPD). The Conference, entitled "Enhancing Personal Data Protection in the Age of Artificial Intelligence", was held on 10 and 11 January 2024 and attracted over 330 participants.
Professor Max SHEN, Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) of the University of Hong Kong, and the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (Privacy Commissioner), Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling, gave welcome remarks respectively. Professor Shen mentioned the impact AI has had on our society and looked forward to an in-depth dialogue at the conference for shaping a positive future in this domain. In the Privacy Commissioner’s welcome remarks, she highlighted the rapid evolution of AI, its influence on our daily lives, and the associated personal data protection challenges. Noting that the global nature of the challenges required a global solution, both Professor Shen and the Privacy Commissioner called for an open dialogue in the society to advance personal data protection in the era of AI.
The Privacy Commissioner also participated in a panel discussion at the Conference. The panel discussion, titled “Addressing the Risks of AI from the Regulatory Perspective”, was joined by privacy commissioners, senior representatives or privacy experts from California, Japan, Singapore and the United Kingdom. The Privacy Commissioner gave an account of the work of the PCPD in addressing the risks posed by the rapid development of AI, including Generative AI. She also explained the guidance materials relating to AI published by the PCPD and the Government's AI initiatives to the participants.
The two-day conference served as a platform for academia, AI experts and stakeholders from around the world to delve into AI's implications for personal data protection. The event featured keynote speakers from the University of Pennsylvania and Georgetown University, and distinguished speakers from various universities including the University of Hong Kong, Tsinghua University, Peking University, Harvard University and the University of Oxford. Representatives from the industry such as Meta, Microsoft, Tencent and Ant Group, regulators from various jurisdictions, and practitioners from law firms also shared their invaluable insights, enriching the dialogue on enhancing personal data protection in the AI era from multiple perspectives.
Please click
here for the Privacy Commissioner's welcome remarks and
here for her presentation deck for the panel discussion.

The Privacy Commissioner, Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling, spoke at the conference “Enhancing Personal Data Protection in the Age of Artificial Intelligence”.

The Privacy Commissioner, Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling (second row, fourth from right), was pictured with other speakers at the conference “Enhancing Personal Data Protection in the Age of Artificial Intelligence”.