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Media Statement - Privacy Commissioner’s Office Welcomes the Chief Executive’s Policy Address 2023

Date: 26 October 2023 

Privacy Commissioner’s Office Welcomes the Chief Executive’s Policy Address 2023

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (PCPD) welcomes the array of policy initiatives on protecting cybersecurity and promoting digital economy set out in the Chief Executive’s Policy Address.

In view of the recent increase in the frequency of cyberattacks and the growing threat on cybersecurity, the PCPD supports the proposal in the Policy Address to legislate on cybersecurity and enhance the protection of cybersecurity of critical infrastructure to address the challenges posed to cybersecurity. To ensure data security, the PCPD issued the “Guidance Note on Data Security Measures for Information and Communications Technology” in August last year and a new “Guidance on Data Breach Handling and Data Breach Notifications” in June this year, which provide a series of recommendations on data security measures to organisations and assist them in formulating data breach response plans and responding to data breach incidents to facilitate their compliance with the relevant requirements under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.
Separately, the Policy Address proposes to take forward the work of the Digital Economy Development Committee and publish administrative measures for facilitating data flow and safeguarding data security within this year, with a view to fueling development of data-driven digital economy. The Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling, being a member of the Sub-group on Cross-boundary Data Collaboration of the Digital Economy Development Committee set up by the Financial Secretary and a member of the Hong Kong Expert Group on Cross-boundary Data Collaboration, welcomes the implementation of the new facilitation measures to promote cross-boundary data flow, thereby enhancing the collaborative development of the cities in the Greater Bay Area and promoting digital economy.