Date: 25 July 2023
Privacy Awareness Week 2023
PCPD Launches the New Book
《私隱法.保 — 了解你的個人資料私隱》
(“The Treasure-trove of Privacy – Understanding Your Personal Data Privacy”)
The Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (PCPD) launched the new book《私隱法.保 — 了解你的個人資料私隱》(“The Treasure-trove of Privacy – Understanding Your Personal Data Privacy”) and held a seminar on “Cyberbullying and Doxxing Behaviour involving Students” at the Hong Kong Book Fair 2023 on 24 July.
The event attracted more than 120 participants. The Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (Privacy Commissioner), Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling, introduced the new Chinese book 《私隱法.保 — 了解你的個人資料私隱》(“The Treasure-trove of Privacy – Understanding Your Personal Data Privacy”) published by the PCPD and the City University of Hong Kong Press, and shared some practical tips for protecting personal data in daily life to deepen the public’s understanding of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (PDPO). Besides having Mr Sammy LEUNG, a renowned TV/radio host, as the moderator, the PCPD also invited the Chairman of the Hong Kong Association for Computer Education and Vice Principal of Hong Kong True Light College, Mr CHU Ka-tim, to speak as the guest speaker in a discussion on how to effectively protect students’ online privacy and security.
The Privacy Commissioner, Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling, said at the book launch, “The new book is suitable for readers of different ages. I hope that the general public will be able to resolve any problems relating to their personal data privacy by reading the book. I hope that the book will become a “treasure-trove of privacy” for everyone, so that they can become the master of their own personal data.”
Furthermore, during the seminar on “Cyberbullying and Doxxing Behaviour involving Students”, Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling stated, “We need to address the phenomenon of students being cyberbullied. To prevent doxxing, students should avoid disclosing too much personal data when they use social media and other online platforms. If students become victims of cyberbullying, they should seek help from their parents, teachers or schools quickly.”
This year, the PCPD also set up a booth at the Hong Kong Book Fair, showcasing an array of publications issued in recent years concerning various privacy issues. The booth has an exquisite “check-in” spot where visitors may also collect souvenirs.
The book launch is a signature event of the “Privacy Awareness Week” (PAW) 2023. This year’s PAW is held from 24 to 30 July, with the theme “Building from the Foundation – Respect and Protect Personal Data Privacy”. The event is supported by members of the Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities (APPA). In addition to the events at the Hong Kong Book Fair 2023, the PCPD is hosting a webinar on “Cybersecurity in Web 3.0 and Data Breach Handling” on 27 July to discuss the security risks of Web 3.0 and explain the “Guidance on Data Breach Handling and Data Breach Notifications” newly issued by the PCPD. The PCPD has also put up posters of the PAW 2023 at bus stops and distributed them to government departments, district offices, schools, etc.

The Privacy Commissioner, Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling, introduces the new book launched by the PCPD.

The moderator, Mr Sammy LEUNG (right), invites the Privacy Commissioner, Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling (centre), and Chairman of the Hong Kong Association for Computer Education and Vice Principal of Hong Kong True Light College, Mr CHU Ka-tim (left), to share their views on the topic.
The Privacy Commissioner, Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling (fifth from right), Professor Guobin ZHU, School of Law, City University of Hong Kong (fourth from right), Vice Principal of Hong Kong True Light College, Mr CHU Ka-tim (fifth from left), Associate Director of the City University of Hong Kong Press, Mr Edmund CHAN (second from left) take a photo with the members of the Personal Data (Privacy) Advisory Committee and the Standing Committee on Technological Developments.

The Privacy Commissioner, Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling, signs the new book for the participants of the event.

The Privacy Commissioner, Ms Ada CHUNG Lai-ling (left), renowned TV/radio host, Mr Sammy LEUNG (centre) and Associate Director of the City University of Hong Kong Press, Mr Edmund CHAN (right), visit the PCPD’s booth at the Hong Kong Book Fair.

Poster of the PAW 2023 at the bus stop.